Friday 4 November 2011

Raiding at lvl 60

Zul Gurub - 20 man raid

Gearing up to be able to raid was hard work, you had to spent alot of time farming instances (especially UBRS) for my paladin shoulders for an extra few stats as back then the gear upgrades wernt as noticable. Raiding Zul Gurub for the first time was very hard, i remember wiping loads on the very first pull as we didnt know tactics etc.

Each boss was different and fun to work as a team to get him down, i was excited about the fact that every time we raided we would gain DKP, with DKP  you could bid on gear that dropped which made it fair on who got what gear, as someone new couldnt just come in and roll on something you have been waiting to drop for months.

MC - 40 man raid

The famous Ragnaros....
After weeks of wiping on the boss we finially got him down, lucky for me i had the most DKP at the time and the Hand of ragnaros dropped, i was soo excited at the time and couldnt wait to show it off in Iron forge once we had enough mats to make it. unfornuately for me we didnt get lucky on the matss dropping off some earlyeir bosses so i didnt get it made untill i bought the mats off the AH at lvl 70.. :(

BWL -40 man raid

This instance was very different to MC as there want as much trsh mobs to get thought to get to the bosses. which ment you could spent more time fighting the bosses than you did clearning to them. the very first boss in this instance was very fun but also hard as it required alot of people eaither kiting, smashing eggs aslwell as killing the mains adds. alot of communication was needed during this fight.

-20 man raid

-40 man raid

-40 man raid

Thursday 3 November 2011

Level 60 Paladin pvp

During lvl 60 as a paladin there was a different play style introducted for the paladin, instead of just the standard go holy if you want to heal or go ret if you want to dps you had another option of a burst spec. This was when the shockadin was born, it was an offensive holy build who instead of stacking +int for more mana to heal, you stacked +spell damage to increase you offensive spells, the good thing about spell damage is that it also effected your heals, so you could still heal allright (not asgood as healing pallies) but none the less good enought for pvp. Towards thye end of lvl 60 i started to explore into this build with help from my good friend Diomedes (Stormrage). from then on, i would be a shockadin for PVP and never looked back.

Vanilla WoW PVP

This was my first ever PVP video i made at lvl 60, as you can see i was a cliker :) which i got alot of stick for but i found that it worked well for me and my play style. PVP at lvl 60 was alot different to PVP these days at lvl 85, mainly because you didnt have many abilities to counter an opponent which therefore made it alot more rock paper sissors, for example rogues were easy to kill 1 on 1 as were warriors, mainly because the paladin is a hybrid class which could self heal when we wanted to.

Looking back at the battle grounds system it was very fun, it was realm vs realm so you could earn a reputation on the oposing faction. it brought players together to make premades and on my server there was the usual premade which ran everyday. the leader would be the one next in line to get the grand marshal title as he/she would have to play the most games. for me i managed to obtain the Luitenant Commander title inbetween on raiding and studying.